Image of "Prioritize Your Writing" Daily Planning Sheets

Ready or not, let's get writing.

This is a really simple worksheet, but it's also really effective in keeping you focused on your craft.

There's a space for the date, the creative project you're working on, and a daily goal for that project — wordcount-based or otherwise.

It also holds space for a writing affirmation or two, which you can use to remind yourself that you're a writer, or that you're allowed to pursue the creative work that makes you happy.

The notes & ideas section is for, of course, your various notes and ideas — feel free to scribble outside the box on this one. (Or any section.)

Under non-writing tasks, go ahead and list out those to-dos that are buzzing around in your brain. The idea here is to get them out of your head, not force yourself to complete the checklist before you can write. Remember, we're prioritizing your writing here.

It's easy to get lost in the writing process, so I've also included some self-care items reminding you to drink water, stretch/move around a bit, and stay off of social media... if these things are helpful to you.

Finally, at the bottom is a special section for items to research later, just because it's so tempting to put off our writing by saying, "I need to research [topic] before I write." This is a trap! You can research those things later.

Print out this worksheet at the start of the day, fill it in, and get to work. It'll be there for you when you need it.

The best part is, you can put as many stickers on it as you like. :)



* When you click to download, you will be asked for your email address. If you do not want to be added to my mailing list, you can simply download the PDF here. :)